You can always reach our office at anytime. We do not have an answering service and we answer all of the phone calls personally. Simply call our main phone number and follow the directions on our outgoing message. Press zero and it will directly transfer you to where you can leave a voicemail message and we will call you back. We cannot take phone calls from families who are not established already as patients, and we ask that you respect our personal time with our own children. If you are worried about your child’s immediate health please call us; however if it can wait until we reopen, we will make every effort to call you immediately when we get to the office first thing in the morning. On Monday’s and Friday’s we open as early as 7:30 AM, if that is too early for you to receive a return phone call please remind us of that in your voicemail message. Stay safe and healthy, and when in doubt remember asking questions is never wrong.
Certainly in an emergency you should always call 911, but for those times when you have questions after hours here are some useful numbers to have if you need or want to talk with someone when the office is closed
Poison Control
If you are unsure about something your child ate, got on their skin, or inhaled – please call them immediately and double check with the experts.
Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children
303.563.3300 or 877.647.7440
These phone numbers are staffed 24 hours a day staffed by licensed pediatric nurses.
The Children’s Hospital of Colorado
This phone number is staffed 24 hours a day by pediatric emergency medicine nurses.
Both the pediatric emergency room at the Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children and the emergency room at the Children’s Hospital of Colorado are staffed specifically with Pediatric Emergency Medicine Physicians 24 hrs a day, which can make a substantial difference in the quality of care of your child.
The Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children is part of Presbyterian St Luke’s in downtown Denver. Their emergency room provides excellent care and has extremely short wait times. They are located at the corner of 19th and High Street in Denver. (1719 East 19th Avenue, Denver, CO 80218)
Click here for directions to Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children
The Childrens Hospital of Colorado is located at 13123 East 16th Ave, Aurora, CO 80045. Children’s Colorado is consistently ranked as one of the top 10 best Children’s Hospitals in the country, and if you need advanced pediatric subspecialty care they are the premier hospital in Colorado.
Click here for directions to Childrens Hospital of Colorado